Friday, February 10, 2012

Days 11-16:: Stephy the Slacker

So I haven't been posting everyday.


So what have I been doing?

  • Catching up on cleaning
  • Running
  • Hanging with family
  • Getting a second job.

And dum dum dummmm Having a cheat meal!

I know I know, but I was surprised by my wonderful boyfriend after work last Saturday and didn't bring juice with me.  And as a meal what did I get? Pizza.  Like I said I wouldn't.  So big fail on my part.

But let's spin it::

It was an experiment so I could prove what I said in This Post right.  Pizza is not a good break the fast meal...It made me very sick.  And happy to be back on the juice and where I should be the next day. 

This last week has brought me three Juice Fast tips::
  1. Definitely don't eat bad food when you're used to eating good food.
  2. Always be prepared with some juice made ahead of time.
  3. In fact, always make big pitchers of juice at a time. 
That last one comes from me just making huge pitchers of juice all week.  I feel like it saves a bit of money because the more veggies and fruits sit in bags or on top of each other, the quicker they rot.  You have to be a little more strategic with your combos with this method though.  Generally, unless you plan it this way, you won't have enough of the ingredients to make a "recipe" of juice.  Recipes generally consist of 4-5 fruits and veggies and herbs and you have a pretty good handle on what it will taste like.  What I've been doing though, is just trying to put my fruits and veggies in decent proportion. Warning:: It's almost never a pretty color.  This method definitely saves a ton of time as well.  Only cutting up veggies and cleaning the juicer once a day (or once every two days if you do it right) makes your Juice Fasting Life a lot better. 

If you are doing a Giant Juice because you've overbought and your produce is starting to look a little wilty, add some lemon or lime which is a natural preservative (as is salt, but I don't recommend that).

Remember though, Natural juice separates when it sits.  A wonderful product (especially if you're making juice once every two days) is the Family Quick Stir Pitcher.  Leave me a comment on this post if you'd like one.  The large size holds a ton of juice, It can close and strain (or if you want it a little more pulpy, just open flow), it's cute (polka spotty) and it's got a plunger so you can mix the juice before pouring every time.

So that's all for catching up...

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